Young People Gain Vital Media Training

A group of five young people from the Trust’s Get Set Project attended a media workshop at the Royal Holloway University a couple of weeks ago. The workshop, which was run by a group of second and third year students from the university’s media department, provided the youngsters with a range of exciting media skills.

The day began with an introduction to the media department and their TV and radio stations as well as an insight into what it is like to attend university and to be a student.

This was followed by a visit to a studio where the young people were given the chance to work in front of the camera as well as operating the equipment. A few young people went upstairs and took charge of the production, giving instructions to the studio, which was a great experience.

One young person who benefited from the visit said:

“Everyone here helped me with my confidence and it was an overall uplifting experience.”

Next was a visit to the editing suite where the young people cut the footage, using their computers.

Finally, a tour around the historic buildings of the University included a chance to ask more questions, with many of the young people now having a firm interest in applying to university.

The Get Set Project brings together participants from the Trust’s Brighter Futures, Project 100 and Ealing Young Carers project. The Brighter Futures and Project 100 projects focus on young people who are on the edge care or that have high levels of truancy in school. Project 100 is funded by Hounslow Council while Brighter Futures and Ealing Young Carers is funded by Ealing Council.

For more information about the Get Set Project please contact Amy on 0208 326 7034 or at

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