The Trust Teams Up with Local Tea Company to Support Young People

A group of young people benefited from an inspiring business workshop at teapigs’ office in Brentford last week. teapigs, a global tea company that prides itself on its ethical tea-making, supported the youngsters with their employment and business skills.

The young people who attended the workshop benefit from the Trust’s ‘Get Set Project’, which helps vulnerable young people gain bespoke training and employment support.

“Many of the young people we work with may be young carers, have learning difficulties or come from troubled family backgrounds,” said Peter Shears, who is spearheading the project for the Trust.

“We want to help these youngsters overcome the barriers they face and receive the same employment and educational opportunities as any other young person living in west London.”

With the aromas of peppermint and green tea filling the office, the youngsters learnt about the mechanics of the company from six different staff – including an inspirational speech from teapigs owner Nick Kilby.

Amy Crook, who is the Get Set Project co-ordinator, said:

“The young people had the chance to learn about e-commerce, media, marketing, events, sales and production in just one afternoon.

“It has given them a great overview of the types of jobs available at local companies.”

Eighteen-year-old Ali Umar certainly enjoyed the workshop, he said:

“In my mind, as a teenager, you think you know everything. Yet this workshop is really educational; seeing first-hand how a successful business is run day-to-day.

“I am definitely going to go home and write up some notes on this experience.”

With offices in London and New York, and sales in 35 countries, teapigs is certainly the place for the youngsters to get into the entrepreneurial spirit.

Nick Kilby, teapigs owner, said:

“teapigs want to encourage a positive and inspiring approach to working life, and we hope exposure to our wide range of employees, with lots of different skills, has inspired a teapig of the future!”

The Get Set Project brings together participants from the Trust’s Brighter Futures, Project 100 and Ealing Young Carers project. The Brighter Futures and Project 100 projects focus on young people who are on the edge care or that have high levels of truancy in school. Project 100 is funded by Hounslow Council while Brighter Futures and Ealing Young Carers is funded by Ealing Council.

For more information about the Get Set Project please contact Amy on 0208 326 7034 or at

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