Young People Benefit From Training Through Our Get Set Project

With the summer holidays in full swing, young people from our Get Set project benefited from skills workshops at Heathrow Academy and the River & Canal Trust.

Young people from our Get Set Project, which supports young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, have benefited from a range of skills and employment workshops at Heathrow Academy and the River & Canal Trust.

At Heathrow Academy, with the shadow of Heathrow’s runway behind them, young people learnt about the multitude of jobs available at Heathrow. They also took part in a quiz – testing their new-found knowledge of aviation.

James* who attended the workshop, said:

“I would like to take up an apprenticeship at Heathrow Academy because I want to do something with tourism and travel.”

At the River & Canal Trust, things got more hands-on! The activity saw young people painting Thames Lock and discussing apprenticeship opportunities with staff from the River & Canal Trust.

Amy Crook, the Programme Coordinator, said:

“It is great that young people can come out of their comfort zones and have the confidence to try new things; it proves how valuable this project really is.”

Get involved

If you think you could benefit from the Get Set programme, please contact Amy on 020 8326 7034 or at

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