#AskAboutAsthma 2023

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This year’s #AskAboutAsthma campaign week takes place from 11-17 September 2023 and the theme is “Widening our view”

Did you know that asthma is the most common long-term medical condition affecting children and young people? 1 in 11 are affected by the condition, which is around 3 in every London classroom.

Many have badly managed asthma, with over 20,000 admitted to hospital every year in England. Over 4% of these have such a severe episode that they are admitted to intensive care.

Every year the Trust works with over 12,000 participants and currently delivers sessions in 170 schools. With such a close working relationship with many individuals affected by asthma, the Trust recognises the importance of “Widening our view”.

The #AskAboutAsthma campaign is about making simple changes to children and young people’s care that will make a big difference to how they and their families experience their asthma.

On Monday 11 September at 11am the NHS will be hosting a free, educational and informative broadcast about asthma, for schools, parents and carers as part of the 2023 #AskAboutAsthma campaign. For more information about the broadcast and to sign up for free, click here.

To find out more about the 2023 #AskAboutAsthma campaign click here.

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