Isla’s Story

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As schools across the country return for the 2023/24 academic year, the Trust reflect on some of the mentoring work carried out through the Premier League Primary Stars Programme last year.

Brentford FC CST Primary Stars Coordinator Bevan Vincent has had the pleasure of watching Isla flourish over a 12 month period working with her.

Through weekly one to one mentoring sessions Isla has grown as an individual in the classroom and this has opened up new passions and hobbies outside of school.

Bevan comments, “When I started working with Isla she really struggled with her social interactions at school, she struggled in groups as well and how to articulate her emotions and feelings.

“Gradually as we started doing one to ones she got a little bit better at expressing herself, sharing her emotions and thoughts and feelings within those one to ones.

“She’s now able to express herself to her teachers, peers and articulate when she doesn’t like things, this has progressed to the point where she is now enjoying playing in school football and cricket teams.”

By providing Isla with the opportunity to learn new approaches to relationship building, she has been able to develop her confidence and improve her performance in school. Her newfound confidence means she is keener to participate in group activities across the school and is more comfortable expressing her feelings with fellow pupils and teachers alike.

Isla recognises that Primary Stars has enabled her to develop new relationships and enjoy activities in and out of school.

“Primary Stars talk to me about everything, like how my week has been, and the sessions help me to let it all out so that I can focus on positive feelings.”

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