The Trust Celebrates Volunteers’ Week

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Kirsty Turner – an avid Brentford fan – has volunteered hundreds of hours for the club’s community trust.  

As Volunteers’ Week gets underway, Kirsty Turner is just one of 28 volunteers who go that extra mile to support the Championship club’s community projects.

The former teacher and mum-of-two has been a Brentford season-ticket holder for ten years and has volunteered more than 200 volunteer hours for Brentford FC Community Sports Trust.

Her volunteering focuses largely on projects that support children with disabilities and young carers who are struggling to get respite.

“For me, seeing the joy on the faces of children who benefit from the sports sessions gives me a great sense of wellbeing – it feels like I am making a difference and that you’re doing something worthwhile,” said Kirsty.

“I think some people are put off being volunteers because of the commitment and how much time it will take. Yet it doesn’t matter if you do one hour or ten hours: you’re still making an impact to young people.”

And Kirsty certainly believes that Brentford FC is a place that could nurture Brentford fans volunteering talents.

She said: “We’re so much more than a football club: it’s a family, it’s a community.”

“Sport is a great way of unlocking hidden talents,” added Kirsty.

“Not everyone is academic, yet sport can help with young people’s confidence – helping them develop important life skills.”

Head Coach at Brentford FC, Dean Smith, certainly knows the benefits of Kirsty’s volunteering and the Community Trust’s work in local communities.

He said: “Our Community Sports Trust is a big part of what we are and who we are at Brentford FC. Our ties with the community are through the Trust and in my experience, it is one of the best that’s out there.”

The next volunteer event is being held on Wednesday 6 June. The Griffin Park Learning Zone, inside Griffin Park, will play host to an information evening where details will be given on how to make a difference. The event will run from 6.15pm until 7pm. Full information on the Trust’s volunteer programme can be seen here.

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