The Trust celebrates its volunteers at Stoke game

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The Trust hosted its annual “Volunteer Thank You Event” on Saturday 12 January in Brentford. The event recognised the hard work and commitment of all our volunteers in 2018 who go that extra mile to support our community projects.

The volunteers who attended the event were presented with a certificate, a small gift and a complimentary match day ticket. The pre-match reception consisted of refreshments and an opportunity to share their volunteering stories with each other. Guests then attended the Brentford v Stoke City match at Griffin Park, and at half-time they gathered on the pitch for a group photo with Buzz Bee and Buzzette.

Malcolm Hobday, a long-standing volunteer for the Trust, was presented with the ‘Longest Serving Volunteer’ Award for being a matchday volunteer for more than 24 years.

If you are interested in joining our growing band of volunteers at the Trust, we will be holding our next Volunteer Recruitment Evening on Wednesday 6 February at Griffin Park Learning Zone between 6.00 – 6.45pm.

This event will provide information about the opportunities that are available, and the recruitment process when signing up as a volunteer. To book a space at this event or for more information, please contact Chris Tribe on 020 8326 7041 or at


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