Riding for the Trust – Nigel Brook-Walters

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RideLondon will be the first long-distance cycling event Nigel Brook-Walters has taken part in. With the work of the Trust particularly meaningful to Nigel and his family it was one of the key motivations to take part in the challenge.

Hi Nigel, would you tell us a bit about yourself?

I’m a father to Ben and husband to my wife Geri. In a previous life I played a reasonable standard of Rugby (Union and League) and did a little bit of Boxing.

What inspired you to take part in RideLondon on behalf of Brentford FC Community Sports Trust?

I miss being active and taking part in sport as I now struggle running. The work of the Trust is very close to me and my family and we really value the work being done across west London – so I’m delighted to be able to fundraise for Brentford FC Community Sports Trust.

Have you done any long-distance cycling challenges before? If so what event?

I have previously done a few fundraising challenges and events. I’ve taken part in charity boxing events which included boxing at the Ministry of Sound, I have also abseiled down the shard which was cool!

However, when it comes to cycling I haven’t ever done anything on a bike. The longest I’ve ever cycled is probably a 45 minute spin class, so I’m a little bit nervous!

What are you most looking forward to on the day?

I love the buzz of big events, so I’m really excited about being part of that. If there’s an opportunity to meet and cycle with other people fundraising for the Trust that would be amazing. Knowing that I’m doing something for a good cause is an also part of the day to me.

Do you have any family, friends, or a group you go out cycling with?

I’ve been cycling with a few of my old rugby mates. Wasps Legends have a very active cycling group who go out on a monthly basis, so I’m looking to get more involved with them after the event – now I’m a bit fitter!!.

What are your top tips for other people who are thinking about taking on a similar challenge?

Commit to doing something and go for it. Otherwise you’ll keep putting it off. Also try to find people who have done the event before. I’ve learnt so much from talking to people about what to do and picking up little tips.

What message do you have for people who are supporting you by donating?

 A massive thank you. Brentford FC Community Sports Trust does so much amazing work. As a family we benefit from the On The Ball programme which is delivered by the Trust and Action Attainment to help neurodiverse children and their families. I can’t thank you enough for supporting us and helping us to reach out to more families.

And finally, what’s the first thing you’re going to do after RideLondon?

First thing I will do is go and eat a massive meal with the family who are coming to support me! After training rides I’m usually starving so I know I’ll have an appetite after the ride.

To follow Nigel’s journey and to support him with any donations, please click here.

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