Riding for The Trust – Helen Haynes

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Born and raised in Scotland, Helen Haynes now lives in Ealing with her husband and two daughters. A Bees fan, Helen is eager to finish RideLondon and get back to the Gtech Community Stadium in time to see Brentford take on Manchester City on 28 May.

Hi Helen, would you tell us a bit about yourself?

I was born and raised in Scotland but live in Ealing now and have two daughters (12 and 10). I own and run my own business and my kids go to school locally. I am very active but a recent injury and surgery means I can’t run anymore so my passion has switched to cycling. We all love Brentford FC, apart from my husband you is a Spurs supporter for his sins.

What inspired you to take part in RideLondon on behalf of Brentford FC Community Sports Trust?

I love cycling and I love Brentford so it was a no brainer. I also admire everything that the Trust does in the community and my youngest daughter has benefitted from the football training.

Have you done any long-distance cycling challenges before? If so what event?

I have done loads, and normally do one big event a year. Three years ago I did the 3 peaks mountain challenge and cycled in between from Wales to Scotland –  our longest cycle was 121 miles in one day. I’ve also done London to Paris, London to Brighton, The Palace 100 and some other local challenges.

What are you most looking forward to on the day?

Doing an event I’ve not done before, meeting new people, and getting back in time for the Man City game!

Do you have any family, friends, or a group you go out cycling with?

This is the first event I will be doing on my own – I’ve tend to always so challenges with friends or my brother. 

What are your top tips for other people who are thinking about taking on a similar challenge?

Eat as much as you can and don’t stop for more than 10 minutes or your legs will be like lead when you get back on the bike.

What message do you have for people who are supporting you by donating?

Just a massive thank you and know that the money you have given goes to such a good cause in the local community.

 And finally, what’s the first thing you’re going to do after RideLondon?

Go to the GTech stadium of course. Come on you bees….

To follow Helen’s journey and to support her with any donations, please click here.

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