Player turned coach: Brentford player Tariqe Fosu runs a football session for children

 In Football Development Centre, News

Brentford player Tariqe Fosu helps run a football session for children from our football development centre last week.

24-year-old Tariqe Fosu transformed his flat into a training ground as he coached children from our football development centre last week. The live online session was part of the Trust’s #BeeatHome campaign, which encourages children to remain active within their homes or local area.

Tariq, who joined Brentford FC in the January transfer window, was more than happy to coach the budding young footballers through a range of drills.

Luke Brooks-Smith, Head of Community Sport at Brentford FC Community Sports Trust, said:

“It was amazing to have Tariqe join our Football Development Live Lesson. Our players had the opportunity to virtually train alongside him, receive praise and constructive feedback on the techniques they were practicing and spend time asking him questions around his diet, training regime and players he admired.

“The feedback from players and parents has been amazing, with a number of the players saying they felt proud to train alongside a Brentford player.”

You can watch the full video of the session here.

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