Brentford player Ethan Pinnock takes part in online Q&A for budding young footballers

 In BTEC Courses, News

Brentford defender Ethan Pinnock offered his footballing wisdom to youngsters from our post-16 football education programme last week. The 26-year-old, who joined Brentford from Barnsley last summer, talked about the challenges of being a professional footballer and how to successfully overcome them.

Seventeen-year-old Ivor, who is a student on our post-16 programme, said:

“Ethan was able to provide helpful information on how we can stay fit and healthy during this period. He explained his training schedule during these tough times and an insight into his diet.

“I found the Q&A extremely beneficial as it was a visual example of where we could potentially be in the future with hard work and dedication.”

Former Brentford player Ryan Peters, who oversees the programme, believes interacting with professional footballers from Brentford serves as an important tool for the students’ development.

He said:

“Our Q&A with Ethan was brilliant; he was really detailed in explaining his career and describing the highs and lows of being a professional footballer. He also spoke about the importance of nutrition and having an important support network around you – thanks very much to Ethan and Brentford FC for arranging this.” 

To watch the full video, click here.

If you would like to join our post-16 football education programme, please email Ryan at

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