Our Marketing and Partnerships Manager is set to present at the 16th EFDN conference

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Tomas Abreu, our Marketing and Partnerships Manager at the Trust will provide an insight to our Partnerships and Fundraising strategy at the 16th EFDN Conference in Breda on 9 & 10 November 2021

As Marketing & Partnerships Manager Tomas Abreu, oversees Marketing, Commercial, Fundraising and International Development work at the Trust. He joined us in 2015 while completing an MSc in Sports Management at Birkbeck College, University of London. Tomas is passionate about Sports for Development and using the power of sports and football to achieve tangible and creative partnerships and fundraising initiatives that make a difference in the local and wider community. Both Brentford FC Community Sports Trust and Brentford FC introduced in 2019 a new commercial and partnerships strategy to enhance and maximise current and new corporate partnerships and other collaborations. By joining forces with different departments and aligning resources, better results are able to be obtained. More recently, the Trust launched new and exciting fundraising initiatives in line with Premier League promotion, which Tomas will be explaining during his presentation.

Tomas will provide an insight into our Partnerships and Fundraising strategy. Since 2019, we have established a joint strategy with Brentford FC, to maximise commercial opportunities and drive the number of new corporate partnerships. Since then, we have been able to secure 24 corporate partnerships across different sectors, contributing to increase significantly the Trust’s unrestricted funding stream. Additionally, we continue to grow and establish new fundraising initiatives and more than ever, we aim to work closely with the club to maximise results. Both the partnerships and fundraising activities have in mind the UN Sustainable Development Agenda as a framework to establish the partnerships and to contribute to achieving specific goals.

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