Last Two Places On Our 12-week Education and Employability Traineeship Programme

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Our Traineeship programme is a 12-week course aimed at assisting young people aged 16 to 18 to enter employment, training, or further education. The programme aims to provide vital skills and support for training and employment, alongside a bespoke reference for each young person to further support their transition pathway. We met with one of our recent trainees who completed the first traineeship programme of 2022, Tom, who shared his experience, find out more below.

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Why did you join the programme?

“I thought it would be beneficial as I wasn’t 100% sure what I wanted to do leaving secondary school and wanted to gain experience to put on my CV. I also thought the programme would benefit me in improving my confidence.”

What skills have you developed?

“I feel that my communication skills are a lot better and that has benefitted my confidence in social environments. I also feel that I am much better at receiving constructive feedback which is important in a work environment.”

Have you found anything challenging about the programme?

“I was definitely nervous heading into the programme which improved over the 12 weeks and balancing the hours was sometimes challenging as I had two different placements. I got to meet a lot of new people which also made me quite nervous, however, they all made me feel welcome.”

Most valuable part of programme?

“I think every aspect of the programme was valuable however, the work placement was the main factor for me joining the programme and I’ve learnt a lot doing them.”

 What are your overall thoughts on the programme?

“I feel like it was a lot of fun, and I did enjoy meeting new people that made me feel comfortable and supported me over the entire 12 weeks. The work placements I did were also very positive environments and challenged me in a positive way.”

What would you say to other young people who are thinking about doing a traineeship?

“Don’t look back and hesitate, go for it it’s worth it. It’s a very good icebreaker for what to expect in a working environment.”

What Next?

“I am interested in working within media although this has quite a wide variety of specialisms but I’m hoping a Media Apprenticeship will help me identify what I most enjoy. “

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