Join our traineeship and kickstart your career

 In Griffin Park Learning Zone, News

Brentford FC Community Sports Trust are launching a FREE 12-week Traineeship Programme designed to give young people the opportunity to learn new skills and enhance their ability to find employment.

Who is it for?

16-18 year olds who are not currently in education, employment or training and are interested in becoming work ready. If you aged between 19-24yrs we will be looking at developing a traineeship programme in 2021.

What does the course involve?

  • 12-week training programme (30 hours each week).
  • Minimum of 120 hours of work experience.
  • Employability course to enhance skills for your future career.
  • Support you to develop functional English and Maths skills (for those who haven’t achieved GCSE Level 4/Grade C).
  • Opportunity to improve your confidence and communication skills.
  • Achieve additional accredited qualifications such as First Aid, Health & Safety and Sport Leaders Coaching awards.
  • Support you progress on to the career of your choice with opportunities to learn from industries including hospitality, youth work, IT and sports coaching.
  • Pathway and Career advice including visits from local colleges and universities.
  • Brentford FC player appearances (subject to Covid-19 restrictions).
  • CV writing and interview techniques.
  • Breakfast provided.
  • Free branded club kit.

When does it run?

The next cohort is scheduled to begin in February 2021 – subject change due to lockdown, please contact for further details.

Prior to the start date, you will be invited to attend an informal meeting which will give you the chance to meet staff, familiarise yourself with the programme and ask questions.

Employment Pathway

At the end of the 12 weeks, you will be in a great position to continue your pathway on to further education or paid employment.

Register Interest

You can sign up for the programme here.

For more information email our Education Manager Chris Barrett on 07464543421 or at

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