Brentford FC Community Sports Trust is awarded funding by Mercers’ Charitable Foundation to kick start young people’s futures

 In Gunnersbury Park News, News, Youth Mentoring

Brentford FC Community Sports Trust have been awarded a considerable grant to deliver a pioneering training programme for young people.

The three-year project, which will utilise its community hub facilities at Gunnersbury Park and adjacent to Brentford FC’s new stadium, aims to create vibrant learning spaces for the most vulnerable young people in society. The project will start early this year and will work closely with young people transitioning from education into employment or further training.

Lee Doyle, Chief Executive of Brentford FC Community Sports Trust, said:

“The Trust is excited by the opportunity to work in partnership with the Mercers’ Charitable Foundation. The three-year programme will support young people in our community with their life skills transition from education to employment and further training. The programme will be enhanced by being based in inspiring locations at our new Stadium and Gunnersbury Park hubs.

“With the Trust already recognised for its outstanding work with young people from disadvantaged areas; with disabilities; young carers; and children on the edge of care, the Trust will kick-start the programme with a series of short courses, traineeships and qualifications.”

Charlotte Nugent, Grants Programme Manager at the Mercers’ Company, Corporate Trustee to the Mercers’ Charitable Foundation, added:

“We are delighted to support this ambitious and exciting project for young people to learn and successfully move to the next stage of their lives by awarding Brentford FC Community Sports Trust a three-year grant from the Mercers’ Charitable Foundation. This work aligns closely with our own programme, which creates positive change in young people, giving them the chance to live a fulfilling life now and in the future.”

As part of the first phase of the programme, the Trust is now recruiting for a new 12-week Traineeship for 16 to 24-year-olds not currently in education, employment or training.

For further details, please contact Chris Barrett at

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