Brentford fan loses 14.4kg in weight through weight-loss programme with Richmond Council and the Trust

 In Adult Sports & Fitness, News

Fifty-seven- year-old Duncan was struggling with walks over the Christmas period when he signed up for a weight-loss programme in December 2019. The programme, run by Brentford FC Community Sports Trust and Richmond Council, has been credited with improving the health and weight of hundreds of men in the borough of Richmond.

“Prior to taking part in the programme, my diet was pretty disgraceful,” Duncan explains. “I was a bit too fond of McDonald’s Egg McMuffins.”

He signed up for the programme, which is led by sport and exercise specialists and includes fitness exercises, healthy eating workshops and top tips for permanent lifestyle changes.

“For me, the nutritional advice on the programme was superb and something I could change in my lifestyle pretty much straight away.”

“The exercise element was fantastic as well,” Duncan added. “The attention to individual needs was really thorough.”

Before Duncan’s weight-loss journey

Duncan believes the fact the programme was men-only helped generate a sense of comradeship that wouldn’t happen in other weight-loss programmes.

“I know plenty of men who do attend weight watchers but personally it wouldn’t work for me. What was great about this programme is that we were all from similar backgrounds and got on really well,” Duncan said.  

Currently, the programme runs on a 12-week basis with the next cohort starting on Monday 18 January 2021. Due to ongoing Covid-19 restrictions, the classes will take place on Zoom. However, this cohort will benefit from a Brentford player running a session for participants.

For Duncan, the biggest impact of the course is the permeant lifestyle changes he has made: “My diet – day to day – has fundamentally changed. I always cook now from scratch and my approach to food is completely different.”

Duncan lost 14.4kg in weight through the programme

Sessions will run online on Mondays 6.30pm-8.30pm or Thursdays 7pm-9pm. To sign up, click here. To read the course outline, click here.

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