Young Carers Visit Houses of Parliament

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Some of the Trust’s young carers were recently invited on a private tour of the Houses of Parliament.

On Monday 3 April, young carers from Brentford FC Community Sports were invited by Ruth Cadbury MP for Brentford and Isleworth to visit the Houses of Parliament.

The young carers were taken on a private tour of the Palace of Westminster including the House of Commons and the House of Lords and were able to learn the history of the building as well as find out more about the work of the UK Parliament.

After the tour, Ruth Cadbury met up with the young carers and took them to the Houses of Parliament Terrace where they had lunch and were able to enjoy the views of London.

The young carers also had the opportunity to ask Ruth about what it was like to be a politician and her opinion on various topics such as the NHS and education.

All the young carers had a fantastic day, with some of the participants commenting:  

“I had such an amazing day; it was really good to see where politicians work.”

“I loved hearing about the history of the buildings.”

“It was great to be able to ask Ruth about being a politician.”

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