Weekly round up of our #BeeatHome campaign

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Evening Standard highlights our response to the crisis

The Evening Standard interviewed Brentford FC’s Vice-Chairman – Donald Kerr – about our #BeeatHome campaign and how we are responding to the crisis.

Read the full interview here.

Brentford player Dominic Thompson launches our Primary Stars resource page online

Our online registration for our exciting Maths and Literacy resources are now open. Available for primary school pupils, our resources complement parents home-schooling and our resources have now been rolled out nationally by the Premier League.

Register here.

Calling all young people – we need your help filling in our questionnaire

With a fantastic track record of working with young people, we want to support children and young people during the crisis. We have developed a short questionnaire to find out what content young people would be interested in.

Fill in the questionnaire here. It should only take five minutes!

Former Brentford player Darius Charles mentors students from our post-16 education programme

The former Brentford defender offers his pearls of wisdom to budding young footballers on our post-16 education programme last week.

Read more here.

New Soccercise and gymnastics exercises available

If you want to try something different from Joe Wicks why not try our Soccercise exercises with a football.

Or try your “hand” at our handstand with our Gymnastics coach, video here.

Take part in our journalism competition and write a match report for a Brentford game

We are calling all young budding journalists to take part in our popular journalism competition. The project, which is credited with improving pupils’ literacy skills, will ask pupils to write a match report for Brentford’s game against Swansea.   

Apply here.

Our Easter holiday camp at keyworker school proves memorable for pupils

With the Trust still working in four keyworker schools, we are delivering engaging P.E, Maths and English activities for children of keyworkers. Our “Easter camp”, which ran over the Easter Bank Holiday, proved memorable for a couple of children whose parents work at Charing Cross Hospital.  Here’s what they wrote here.

We launch our 2.6 fundraising campaign

Join our running 2.6 Challenge to help UK’s charities. Complete 2.6 miles or km in your local area! Sign up here.

Young people continue to tackle our online challenges

Most recently, our deaf football coach – Ben Lampert – tasked young deaf people with our “Indoor Basketball” challenge, which you can watch here.

We also had another football challenge, which you can take part in here.

For more information about our online activity please email us at communications@brentfordfccst.com

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