Trust statement: suspension of community activities

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Following on from the government’s decision to implement new lockdown measures on Thursday 5 November, along with the Premier League and FA’s decision to postpone grassroots football, Brentford FC Community Sports Trust have postponed the majority of its community activity. Despite these challenging circumstances, the Trust will:  

  • Continue to work in schools through its education and physical activity programmes.  
  • Deliver specific education programmes – based in different colleges and secondary schools. 
  • Develop engaging and innovative online content, which will keep children and adults in the local area active. 
  • Support our most vulnerable participants through phone calls and online contact.  

     Lee Doyle, Chief Executive of Brentford FC Community Sports Trust, said:  

    “Our commitment to local communities remains steadfast. We will continue to innovate in our response in the most challenging of times. We are working closely with partner schools and local stakeholders to support those most in need during this crisis and we hope to utilise our inspirational workforce and wealth of resources to make a positive difference.”

    The Trust will be launching its online content during the lockdown period very soon.  

    For further questions, please contact the Trust at
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