Trust statement on Coronavirus (Covid-19)

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Brentford FC Community Sports Trust has been monitoring the Coronavirus (Covid-19) situation closely and is adhering to all relevant government recommendations regarding the outbreak.

Based on current government guidelines, and with approval from our CEO and Trustees, we will still be running all activities as normal. However, we will be undertaking a series of precautionary measures to minimise the risk of the virus spreading.

These measures include:

  • Comprehensive guidance to all staff on appropriate hygiene and washing their hands regularly.
  • Staff refraining from handshakes or high fives with participants at any of our sessions.
  • Participants refraining from handshakes or high fives with each other during any of our sessions.

If you are a participant in one of our community projects and are showing Coronavirus symptoms we ask that you do not attend any of our sessions/activities and contact 111. The latest advice from the NHS on Covid-19 can be seen at 

The Trust will update this statement based on the ongoing situation and changing government advice.

If you have any further questions regarding Coronavirus, please follow government advice or contact 111.

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