Spotlight – Meet Hussein

 In Deaf Sports Plus, News

Hussein Estrela has been a participant with us since 2020. Read about his journey.

Joining our Post 16 Football and Education programme in 2020, Hussein began his football journey in Mozambique before his family relocated to Portugal when Hussein was just six years old. In Portugal, Hussein discovered futsal, a small-sided form of football played indoors which is extremely popular in South America and European countries such as Spain and Portugal.

Hussein continued to play futsal throughout his time in Portugal and when he moved to England aged 11 he was scouted by the Football Association to join their emerging talent programme. The programme provides bespoke support to each individual engaged to ensure that potential is maximised and the opportunity to develop is extended beyond the capacity of the environment they currently participate/compete within. Hussein has progressed through the programme since the age of eleven and is now part of their under-23 performance foundation group.

As part of our spotlight series, we asked Hussein some questions for us to get to know more about his life and journey, read on to find out more.

Biggest sporting achievement?
Being selected for the Deaf England U23 group at Lilleshall.
Idol/Favourite Player and why?
This is a difficult question to answer. I was originally drawn to football by watching Ronaldinho; his skills and speed were amazing. I have followed Cristiano Ronaldo for many years not only because of the Portuguese connection but his attitude and focus on training have been a real example. Lionel Messi has also been an inspiration as his dribbling skills and speed prove that you can still be one of the best players in the world even if you don’t necessarily have the physical stature of many other footballers. Finally, I have to mention Sadio Mane, his ability to read the game combined with his incredible skills and vision are extraordinary.
What is your most proud achievement?
When playing for Charlton aged 15 being named Player of the tournament by the then FA National Chairman.
What is the best advice that you ever received and would pass to the younger generations?

When I was young a player I really admired once told me:

 “you can’t beat the person who never quits”

I would always pass on advice a coach gave me which was

“Talent is never enough. With few exceptions, the best players are the hardest workers”

What does inclusion mean to you?
I don’t feel that inclusion should be an issue as we are all able to achieve, have a positive attitude and contribute. The word ‘inclusion’ can be wrongly used as a way of highlighting differences between people to the point that they are actually excluded.

Ben Lampert one of our specialist coaches has worked closely with Hussein over the past few years and had this to say about his journey

​”I have known Jorge since he was a young boy and it has been amazing to watch his inspirational journey. I believe he will be one of the best deaf footballers of this generation and have a really positive impact working with some of the young people throughout Trust programmes.”

Hussein now volunteers as a coach in our specialist support groups looking to influence the next generation of young people. Thank you Hussein for sharing your story with us.

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