
With a host of experienced coaches on offer, we support more than 100 primary schools with their P.E curriculum and extra-curricular activities.

Our sporting activities are linked directly to the national curriculum – helping thousands of children get active and enjoy sport. Plus, teachers benefit from our specialist P.E training, which complements their continuing professional development.

Mount Carmel Catholic Primary School, based in Ealing, have certainly reaped the benefits of our schools’ programme.

Clare Walsh, the headteacher at the school, said:

Over the decade or so that the programme has run here it has grown from strength to strength. It is such an integral part of the school and we couldn’t survive without it anymore.

PL Primary Stars

The Premier League’s Primary Stars initiative, uses the appeal of the Premier League and professional football clubs to inspire children to learn, be active and develop life skills…
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Sports Curriculum

We help schools enhance their P.E provision; delivering quality-assured sport, education and personal development programmes for pupils in primary and secondary school…

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Joy of Moving

The Joy of Moving project is a national school-based educational project for children aged between 9-10, developed in partnership with the English Football League…

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