
Our bespoke schools’ offer includes:

  • Tailored P.E provision.
  • Extensive extra-curricular sports clubs.
  • Support with pupils’ team training fixtures.

Tailored P.E provision

We deliver a tailored P.E provision for all school ages from reception to year 6 -adapting sessions to the needs of your school. Our experienced and qualified coaches will aim to improve pupils’ technical, physical, social and psychological skills.

All staff delivering curriculum lessons hold, or are working towards, their Level 3 Supporting the Delivery of Physical Education & School
Sport (L3PESS) qualification.

Extra-curricular Sports Clubs

We offer a comprehensive range of extracurricular clubs during breakfast, lunch and after-school.

The sessions focus on developing key fundamental skills through a combination of technical practices and small-sided games.

We can deliver the following clubs:
Football, Netball, Cricket, Dodgeball, Basketball, Athletics, Multi-Skills, Gifted & Talented, School Team training, Tennis, Dance & Gymnastics, Ultimate Frisbee, Futsal, Health and Fitness, Tag Rugby, Handball.

Support with team training and fixtures

Throughout the academic year, our experienced coaches can support your school with the delivery of your school team training and fixture calendar.

For more information, please email us at

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