Premier League social action project aims to protect the Bees

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Students from Chiswick School aim to make Brentford Community Stadium more bee-friendly

Working alongside the #iwillcampaign (, the Premier League have set the challenge for students to create a social action project to help address environmental sustainability within local communities, schools or football clubs. We had four students from Chiswick School join us outside Brentford Community Stadium to plant a number of bee-friendly flowers/seeds as well as place some signs with bee facts for supporters and passers-by to read.

The purpose of the social action project was to raise the awareness of the importance of bees and how they are crucial in supporting the growth of trees, flowers and other plants benefitting the environment. 

The new Labour Party Councillor for Brentford East, Rhys Williams made an appearance and had this to say:

I was delighted to meet with the team from the Trust to support this excellent initiative to raise awareness about the importance of bees to our environment,  just one example of the work the Trust is doing with young people in Brentford East.

It was a pleasure to meet the brilliant young people from Chiswick School who took part in this planting exercise and to listen to them talk about what they had learnt about the importance of green spaces for biodiversity and as a habitat for bees that are vital to the natural environment that sustains us all.

The students worked alongside Cultivate London an independent charity that helps to increase positive social outcomes by improving the natural environment. Cultivate supervised the students on the day, advising where planting should take place and educating the students on why the plants are beneficial to bees.

To finish their project the students have been tasked with creating a short video of their journey as they go through the planning, delivery and evaluation of their project.

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