Move it to lose it: join our new men’s weight management programme

 In Adult Sports & Fitness, News

Paul, from Twickenham, lost nearly two stone through our weight management programme. You could too!

What does the course involve? 

Delivered by Brentford FC Community Sports Trust’s exercise specialists, the programme runs two sessions per week.

Key activities include:

  • Healthy eating workshops.
  • Group fitness sessions, which are indoors and outdoors.
  • Top tips for lifestyle changes.

What impact will the programme have?

Paul, who lives in Twickenham and benefited from a similar project, said:

“This course has made a profound change to my life: I go jogging every day now and I have joined a gym in Twickenham.

“I am quite confident that these are changes that I will be able to sustain long term.”

Who can attend the programme? 

This programme is available for men – aged 40-60 – who live in Richmond and are overweight.

How much does the programme cost?

Run in partnership with Richmond Council, the programme only costs £5 per week. Plus, when you finish the course you will receive a free feel good fitness gold membership for one month.

When and where do the sessions take place? 

We’re running two separate groups; on Mondays and Thursdays between 6pm-8pm. The Monday session starts on 14 January and the Thursday session starts on 17 January. All sessions are held at Hampton Sports and Fitness Centre.

Find out more 

For more information and to secure your place, email Neil Young at or on 020 8326 7048

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