Marathon Bees – Ben Brownscombe

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Lifelong Brentford Ben has experienced the highs and lows of following the Bees over the years. Having recently got into running, London will be his first ever marathon. Combining his love for the football club and new found hobby were a huge influence in deciding to fundraise for the Trust.

Hi Ben, would you tell us a bit about yourself?

I’m 23 (about to turn 24), and I’m a Civil Servant. I’ve been a Brentford Fan since the day I was born (thanks Dad!). My first Brentford game was when I was 4-years-old. I love climbing mountains and I’ve only recently got into running.

What inspired you to run the marathon on behalf of Brentford FC Community Sports Trust?

I started running to improve my health/fitness and wanted to push myself, so I set my eyes on a marathon. I saw the application for running the London Marathon on behalf of the BFC Community Sports Trust and that was my sign!

Having supported Brentford my whole life, I’ve been cheering the bees on from League 2 to the Championship and now in the glory of the Premier League. Combining that with the knowledge of the great work the Trust do within the community made me want to run the marathon on behalf of them. Since being selected I’ve learnt so much more about the amazing work the Trust do in the community.

How’s your training been going so far? What’s been your longest run to date?

Training has been going well. I’ve been mixing it up each session from track, hill runs to Sunday long runs. I’ve also been doing ParkRuns most Saturdays in Gunnersbury Park and I’ve recently joined the Ealing Eagles Running Club! My longest run so far has been 10 miles.

What do you find to be the most rewarding thing about running?

I’d say the acknowledgment that I’m bettering myself each week physically and mentally. I can see my fitness improving, as well as my self-discipline and positive outlook.

Do you have a go to playlist or podcasts when running? Any recommendations?

My go to podcast has to be Jocko Podcast. There’s some very interesting people that go on there and share their inspirational stories. Check it out!

My pre-run playlist is always some Rock n Roll. A bit of AC/DC, Led Zeppelin or KISS. All get me hyped before my run!

What are your top tips for other people who are thinking about taking a similar challenge? Don’t listen to any doubts you might have, your body will be able to achieve anything if you train enough! Set yourself achievable targets in training to get your fitness up.

Before a run don’t psyche yourself out thinking about how you’re going to do it, just think about why you’re doing it.

Have you run a marathon before? If yes, what marathons and when?

No, this is the first.

Do you have a target time or goal on the day? If so, what is it?

I would love to run it in under 4 hours 30 minutes, but as this is my first marathon the main focus on the day is to soak up the atmosphere and make it across the finish line.

What message do you have for people who are supporting you by donating?

I really do appreciate all of the support and donations! All donations are going to such a great cause and you’re contributing to that. Seeing the support gets me more and more excited for the marathon, so please keep it coming!

And finally, what’s the first thing you’re going to do after the marathon?

Go for a meal with my family and friends who are coming down to cheer me on! After that, I’ll wait for my body to recover, then go Skydiving.

To follow Ben’s journey and to support him with any donations, please click here.

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