Lifelong Brentford fan runs Edinburgh Half-Marathon for the Trust

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Lifelong Brentford fan Sarah Todd took part in the Edinburgh Half-Marathon for Brentford FC Community Sports Trust on Sunday. Sarah completed the half marathon in a fantastic two hours and 43 minutes.

Read more below on why she decided to fundraise for our Trust and how she found the race.

Why did you decide to fundraise for our Trust?

As a Brentford season ticket-holder I have become aware of the work done by Brentford’s Community Sports Trust over the years. I am a member of the Bees 50/50 matchday scheme, but I wanted to do something more to support the Trust.

Football clubs are at the heart of their communities. A lot of clubs are big businesses nowadays. It is important they remember their roots in their local communities and look for ways to support them. When this happens, it creates a feeling of belonging for the club, the community and the fans.

How long have you been a Brentford fan for?

I’ve supported Brentford for over 40 years. My mum and dad took my brother and me to our first game at Griffin Park in the mid-70s. Both my brother and I are lifelong fans just like our dad.

Which community project stands out the most to you?

It’s really hard to pick one thing out. What I like most about the Trust is how it has so many different projects that help a wide range of people – including different age groups and abilities. It really looks to help the whole community, and the way the players get involved is inspiring too.

How did you find the training and race itself?

The training has gone ok. A couple of set-backs due to a cold meant I had to step up the training for the last few weeks. The day started off very wet but the rain gradually disappeared and the cool weather made for good running conditions. I really enjoyed my first half marathon and the crowds in Edinburgh were great.

You can still donate to Sarah’s fundraising page here.

We are also recruiting keen cyclists for Ride London this August. If you would like to take part in Ride London, or hear about other fundraising opportunities, please contact us at

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