Join our FREE Christmas football camp for girls

 In Girls Football Development Centre, News, PL Kicks

Following on from the success of our October half-term camp, we are running another FREE football camp for girls during Christmas and New Year.

Join us on Tuesday 29 December at Bedfont Sports Club Hatton Road, Feltham, TW14 8JA. The camp will run from 10am-1pm and is available for girls aged 5-16.

The camp is part of Brentford FC Community Sports Trust’s Kicks Girls programme, which encourages girls across the capital to play football and get active. Funded by the Premier League and the London Marathon Charitable Trust, the programme offers football and mentoring activities for teenage girls and aims to use the power of sport to improve the youngsters’ self-esteem and wellbeing.

No prior football experience is required.

Due to popular demand, you will need to book a slot beforehand. Book your place here.

For any further questions, please email us at

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