International Women’s Day: Sport sessions launch for teenage girls

 In Girls Football Development Centre, News, PL Kicks

Ahead of International Women’s Day on Sunday 8 March, Kicks Girls will officially launch at Osterley Goals Soccer Centre this week. The sessions will be held every Friday between 5.30pm-7pm.  

Funded by the London Marathon Charitable Trust and in partnership with London United and the Premier League, the Trust has joined thirteen professional football clubs to tackle physical inactivity of girls in disadvantaged areas across London.

The Trust will join the likes of Arsenal, Crystal Palace and Chelsea to encourage 5,000 inactive girls and young women to participate in football and physical activity sessions.

Along with sports sessions, the programme also aims to offer a safe space for teenage girls to talk about physical, mental and sexual health.

Amber Lloyd, lead female football coach at Brentford FC Community Sports Trust, said:

“This project has helped us set up new sports sessions throughout our community – focusing on playing a sport and having a safe space for females to talk about what they want.

“Whether it’s support with schoolwork, home life or mental health, we want the girls to know there is no judgement at our sessions as it is a safe and friendly environment. “

The sessions will run a weekly basis and no prior booking is required.

For more information about the project please contact us at

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