Five reasons you should take up running in January and sign up for Brentford Sports FEST

 In Brentford Challenge, News
  1. It helps tackle those Winter Blues

With Monday 20 January being coined the most depressing day of the year, running is the perfect way to tackle those January blues. Plus, research shows that running helps reduce your stress levels.

2.You get to run in west London’s most iconic parks

Richmond Park. Bushy Park. Osterley Park. West London has an abundance of parks to run through. At Brentford Sports FEST, you will have the opportunity to run through the private grounds of Syon Park, which are usually closed off to the public.

3.It doesn’t cost you a lot of money

With January being notorious for tightening the purse strings, running outdoors is a cost-free way to keep fit. With a multitude of Park Runs in the local area, you could start your Saturday morning feeling fresh. Brentford Sports FEST’s 5k run is only £25 and our 10k is only £30

4.It gives you something to work towards

Whether you’re new to running or you want to beat your personal best, having a race to work towards always helps motivate you. At Brentford Sports FEST all our races have chip timing so you will be able to get your race time pretty much straight away.

5.It is something to do with the whole family

You don’t have to run solo: Brentford Spots FEST includes a 10k run, 5k run and 1k children’s race. And, if you prefer walking, our 5k mental health awareness walk still gives you the opportunity to walk in the private grounds of Syon House.

To book your place at Brentford Sports Fest please visit

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