Do you want to work in football? Join our traineeship at Griffin Park

 In Griffin Park Learning Zone, News

We are currently running a free 12-week traineeship programme at Griffin Park Learning Zone – situated within the heart of Griffin Park.

Who is it for?

We’re looking for young people*, aged 16 to 18, to join our traineeship.

How will it help me?

At the end of the 12 weeks, you will be in a great position to continue your pathway on to further education or paid employment in the football or sports industry.

With a 100% success rate, trainees from our previous cohort have:

  • gained part-time employment at the Trust
  • enrolled on to an education programme
  • obtained employment at other organisations.

What does the course involve?

Spanning over 30 hours, we combine work-based learning with football coaching, customer service and hospitality– helping to prepare you for the working world.

You could also gain invaluable work experience; shadowing FA-licensed coaches who will mentor and support you every step of the way.

The traineeship also includes:

  • Sports Leaders UK Level 2 Qualification.
  • Bespoke visits to various organisations to Novotel and Brentford FC’s training ground.
  • Sports coaching masterclasses led by Brentford players and UEFA B coaches.
  • Support improving your English and Maths skills.
  • Breakfast every morning.
  • Employability training course.
  • Career advice (including visits to local colleges and universities).
  • Support with writing your CV and interview techniques.
  • Free club tracksuit.

When does it run?

The traineeship starts in January – don’t miss out!

Find out more

To register your interest, please contact Chris Barrett on 0208 758 0523 or at

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