Do you want to get into running? Then our 3k at Brentford Sports FEST is the race for you

 In Adult Sports & Fitness, News

Our Health Programmes Manager, Neil Young, explains why a 3k at Brentford Sports Fest is the perfect way to get into running.

Why is a 3k a good starting point if you want to get into running?

A 3k is challenging but realistic enough for new runners. Or if you run occasionally, and don’t feel confident with a 5k, a 3k is a good starting point for running in a ‘race’ environment. What’s great about a 3k is you still get the excitement of a mass start with other runners, but you will be confident enough to finish the race.

Why is running a good way to stay fit?

Well for one main reason: it’s free! You can do it anywhere, anytime at a time that suits you. Running gives you the opportunity to run in wonderful environments – we live so near to many great parks such as Richmond Park.

What are your top tips for race day?

  • Get up early enough to eat some food – you don’t want to eat within an hour of the race. Some cereal and a banana are always foolproof.
  • Get to Syon Park early enough to get your race number and warm up. I would recommend doing some jogging and stretching.
  • Make sure you stretch after the race and have some water. You can always sample yoga or Pilates in our health and fitness village at Brentford SportsFEST.
  • And most importantly, enjoy it! There is always a camaraderie you get with organised races, which is completely different from running on your own.

Book your place at our 3k here – don’t miss out!

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