Community Stadium Hub Opens Doors to Offer Locals ‘Warm Space’

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Brentford Community Sports Trust is opening the doors to its Community Stadium Hub to offer weekly ‘warm space’ provision for local residents.

The Trust is joining forces with other voluntary and community sector partners this winter to give residents a place to go where they can access a range of activities and refreshments.

The free ‘warm space’ offers local people a friendly place with unlimited internet access, hot drinks, and tables and chairs. The Trust hopes that the facility will help to combat loneliness and lessen the impact of the cost-of-living crisis this winter.

Residents will be able to access the Community Stadium Hub every Monday from 9.30am to 1pm, starting Monday 21 November.

Books and board games will be available, and information will be provided to signpost visitors to other services available locally.

Each week attendees can also participate in exercise-based sessions from 12pm to improve their mental and physical fitness. This includes access to our Move to the Beat class – a low-impact whole-body workout to music.

For more information, including details of volunteering opportunities, please contact the Trust’s Health and Wellbeing Manager Emily Donovan:

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