Brentford Players Raise Awareness of Bowel Cancer

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This April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month and Brentford players are supporting the eighth annual Know the Score campaign.

Bowel cancer is the UK’s fourth most common cancer, with over 41,200 new cases each year. It’s also the second biggest cancer killer. Every 90 minutes three people die of the disease. That’s 44 people each day – the equivalent to four football teams – but it needn’t be that way.

Bowel cancer is treatable and curable especially if diagnosed early. Over 95% of bowel cancer patients will survive the disease for five years or more if diagnosed at the earliest stage.

Symptoms of bowel cancer can include:

  •  Bleeding for your bottom and/or blood in your poo.
  •  A change in bowel habit lasting three weeks or more.
  •  Extreme tiredness for no obvious reason.
  •  A pain or lump in your tummy.
  •  Unexplained weight loss.

Most people with these symptoms won’t have bowel cancer, but if you have one or more of these, or if things just don’t feel right, visit your doctor.

Brentford midfielder, Lewis MacLeod, said:

“I am proud to be supporting the Know the Score campaign, raising awareness about bowel cancer. As a player training every day, and in good health, I still need to be aware of the signs and symptoms.

“Bowel cancer can strike young or old. My message, to all our fans, their family and friends is, if you have any of the symptoms, don’t wait, make an appointment to see your doctor. I Know the Score – do you?”

The Brentford v Sheffield fixture has been earmarked to raise awareness of the ‘Know the Score’ campaign. Fans, players and coaches are encouraged to wear the ‘Stars of Hope’ badges, which is supported by the Professional Footballers’ Association, League Managers Association, Men’s health Forum, The Bobby Moore Fund, Adam Stansfield Foundation, Beating Bowel Cancer, Bowel Cancer UK and Know the Score’s founding.

For more information, visit

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