Brentford player celebrates Black History Month with diversity lesson at a primary school in Ealing

 In News, PL Primary Stars, Sports Curriculum

Brentford defender Dominic Thompson went back to school last week for an inspiring diversity lesson with pupils for Black History Month. The 19-year-old, who joined the Bees from Arsenal in the summer transfer window, spoke about how the language of football can bring people from all backgrounds and nationalities together at Greenwood Primary School in Greenford, Ealing.

The diversity workshop was part of the Premier League’s Primary Stars initiative, which uses the appeal of professional football clubs to inspire children to learn, be active and develop important life skills. Run by Brentford FC Community Sports Trust, the initiative is currently being delivered in 50 schools across west London.

Dominic Thompson, who grew up not far from the school, said:

“I really enjoyed coming to Greenwood Primary School today to give something back and provide insight to the pupils on the importance of diversity.

“Growing up not far from here, I hope the pupils can relate to me and understand that I was just like them when I was younger.”

The workshop was part of celebrations for Black History Month, which has also seen former Brentford players Marcus Bean and Karleigh Osborne talk about how to tackle racism in football.

Luke Skelhorn, Operations Director of Brentford FC Community Sports Trust, said:

“Although Dominic only joined us in the summer, he has already demonstrated an aptitude for connecting with our community projects and inspiring local primary school pupils.

“Inclusivity is at the heart of everything we do and workshops like this highlight how Brentford FC and its Community Sports Trust are tackling important social issues at a grassroots level.”

This workshop is part of the championship club’s wider diversity and inclusion strategy encapsulated by its “BeeTogether” initiative. The strategy aims to support positive change, make people feel valued and improve the lives and inclusive experience of its fans and wider community.

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