Brentford FC Community Sports Trust launches the second delivery phase of the Show Racism the Red Card Programme

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In partnership with the European Football for Development Network and other 6 European Football Clubs, our second delivery phase of the SRTRC programme is underway

In 2019 we became part of the European Football for Development Network (EFDN), which consists of professional football clubs, leagues and FAs who are committed to their communities and social responsibilities and have the passion to cooperate and engage on a European level and the network is helping in the ongoing battle against discrimination.

Show Racism the Red Card is an anti-racism education charity, which provides educational workshops, training sessions, multimedia packages, and a whole host of other resources, all with the purpose of tackling racism in society. Football is used to shine a light on a topic that affects people all over the world. Since 2019 we have worked with thousands of participants across the local area and within local clubs to discuss diversity and inclusion.

Following a successful start in phase one of the programme where we engaged with 300 participants across 5 schools, we are now beginning to deliver the programme at 2 new schools. Firstly, Nishkam School West London where we will engage over 180 participants from years 4 to 6 and secondly St Mary’s Catholic Primary School where will engage with a further 30 participants. As the schools enter phase two of the programme as a reward for completing two parts of the three-phased programme, the schools have been invited to take part in this year’s Gunnersbury Cup, a football tournament hosted at our new venue Gunnersbury Park Sports Hub.

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