Brentford FC Community Sports Trust launch brand new employability programmes

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Starting this summer, our new programmes aimed at 16 to 24-year-olds, will enhance the skills and opportunities for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, exploring and supporting individuals with the transition from education into employment or further training.

Chris Barrett our Community Employment & Education manager said: “We are excited to add a new employability strand to our portfolio of work which we will look to develop our new Social, Education & Health Hub. Our three employability programmes will provide positive pathways and tailored support for local young people, to help prepare them for the world of work.

Summer Start up

Summer Start-Up is an 8-day employability programme to assist young people aged 16 to 18, to gain further knowledge and skills to help them navigate their next steps and journey into either education, training, or employment. The Summer Start-Up programme includes a range of qualifications including peer mentoring, sports leaders, and employability with participants also able to complete short courses in talent identification, safeguarding, and CPR. In addition, the Summer Start-Up programme includes workshops on increasing self-esteem and self-confidence, providing vital strategies to help make the transition both enjoyable and productive. Upon completion of the programme, participants will also receive further support opportunities for their future. To apply please click here.


The Traineeship programme is a 12-week course aimed at assisting young people aged 16 to 18 to enter employment, training, or further education. The programme is a full-time course with 15 hours a week of work placements, 12 hours a week of employability, including workshops on money management, knife crime, diversity, inclusion, and health and nutrition. The traineeship includes functional skills in English and Maths and the opportunity to gain a recognised qualification. The traineeship will provide the necessary skills and support for training and employment, alongside a bespoke reference for each young person to further support their transition pathway. To apply please click here or email

Kickstart Scheme

The Kickstart Scheme is a 6-month paid job opportunity, which provides a fully-funded job opportunity for young people, to gain experience working at Brentford FC CST and Brentford FC. The available positions include Communications Assistant, Coaching Assistant, HR Office Assistant, and Youth Work Assistants. Jobs are open to 16 to 24-year-olds, who are claiming universal credit and are at risk of long-term unemployment. To register your interest please speak to a work coach at Hounslow Job Centre Plus 0800 169 0190.

To find out more about our employability programmes please email or

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