B-Team Community Takeover week

 In News, Sports Curriculum


Not many football clubs can claim they had sixteen football players visit nineteen community projects in just one week. Yet Brentford FC did just that.

Players from Brentford’s B Team took part in a ‘Community Takeover’ in the lead up to their game against Southampton on Wednesday 24 October.

In conjunction with Brentford FC Community Sports Trust, Kevin O’Connor’s side visited schools and community projects to encourage children to get involved in sports, as well as promoting the Southampton fixture at Griffin Park.

The B-Team players, who have already been recognised for their stellar community work, visited girls’ football sessions, local primary schools and grassroots football sessions across west London.

Players such as Ali Coote, Joe Hardy and Charlie Oliver were on hand to show their footballing skills and highlight the importance of living an active lifestyle.

Yet the ‘Community Takeover’ is also credited with bringing local people – from the Trust’s community projects – to the Southampton game last week. Held at Griffin Park, the players were cheered on as they sealed a 1-0 victory over the Saints under 23s team.

Allan Steele, B Team Assistant Coach, said:

“This week was a positive example of the commitment from the B Team towards community work.

“It is an area we are continually looking to develop, and I hope it has a positive impact on the groups and individuals who our players work with.”

And Allan believes that the community visits can also have a meaningful impact for the B Team squad.

“The benefits for our players are huge. By attending community projects, players can develop their communication skills and understand how they can become positive role models.

“This positively impacts the players’ character, confidence and commitment.”

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